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What is Ghazwa e Hind

 What is meaning of Ghazwa and Hind:

The word Ghazwa means that a battle in which Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH personally participated. While Hind have many meanings. In pre Islamic era people use Hind to name women like Hind bint Utbah the wife of Abu Sufyan, Hind bint Ummaya the wife of Holy Prophet. The word Hind also used for today India.

Hadith on Ghazwa Hind:

The ahadith on Ghazwa e Hind is considered dhaef (weak) by many scholars because the ahadith on Ghazwa Hind is not mentioned in Sahi Bukhari, Sahi Muslim, Jamia Tirmizi, Sunan Abu Dawood. These four books of Ahadith are considered the best sources of Prophet words and quote. The hadith on Ghazwa Hind is mentioned only in Sunan al Nisai and Musnad e Ahmed which is as:

"It was narrated that Abu Hurrairah said: The Prophet SAW promised us that we would invade India. If i live i will sacrifice my life and my wealth. If i am killed, i will be one of the best of martyrs. If i came back i will be Abu Hurrairah al Muharar." Al Nisai hadith 3175.

The above hadith is consider as dhaef. 

Views on Al Nisai:

According to Hafiz ibn Hajar, an Islamic Scholar in 14th century. He worked for final summation of ahadith. He says about Al Nisai that it contains fewest dhaef ahadith and majrooh narrators among the books after saheehain. 

Others books containing ahadith on Ghazwa Hind:

Musnad e Ahmad also contain two ahadith on Ghazwa e Hind. The ahadith number are 4877 and 11969. The status of both ahadith are considered weak. 

According to many scholars, they says that if these ahadith are true, then the invasion of Sindh by Muhammad Bin Qasim completely fit on these ahadith. 
